I'm sure you've heard the saying, "Can't sleep? Don't count sheep; talk to the Shepherd." It definitely is great to talk to the Shepherd, but sometimes after a LONG talk with Him, I'm still awake! This was one of those nights. Being newly introduced to blogging, I was actually lying awake at 2:30 a.m. composing new posts in my head! Mercy! Another hindrance was trying out a new pillow and finally getting up and grabbing my old one and trying to get back to sleep. When even that didn't work, nothing to do but go have breakfast at 3:30 a.m. And, of course, you don't lie down on a full stomach...so nothing to do but hit the computer and read awhile.
Here's a neat article I read while trying to get sleepy. It's about the Red Hat Society...I've seen those cute little ol' ladies in airports, shopping at Union Station in DC, and just all around...and thought it must be neat to be a Red Hatter. But...this article made me realize there are better things to do for the Shepherd.
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