I grew up in a close, loving, religious family in New England. Thanks to my parents and others, I was thoroughly convinced of the real existence of God, that Jesus was the Son of God, and that I would spend an eternity either with God or without Him. In the fall of 1975, I started attending Worcester Polytechnic Institute to pursue an engineering degree. In a freshman year discussion group, several guys and I somehow got into a discussion about God, and I so earnestly contended for His existence that the others pegged me for some kind of fanatic Christian.
But I did not know God at all. I could quote the doctrine that Jesus died for my sins, but I had no clue what that meant. I had a vague idea that if I were to do a good enough job imitating the example of Jesus, then I would earn a place in heaven with Him after I died. But I was a lonely, depressed, self-centered young man, and I remember crying out to God to help me through some relationship struggles I'd had but not sensing any answer.
Then, on February 19, 1976, I attended an evening student Bible study with my dorm roommate. After the meeting ended, Chuck Vogt, the study leader, came over to me. We chatted a bit, and then he asked if he could show me some things in the Bible that "really helped" him. And then he walked me through several passages, asking me what they said and what they meant. And the Lord opened my mind and heart to see and understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the first time in my life. Jesus' work on the cross, not my own works, earned my way to heaven. Forgiveness and life with God could be had now by placing my faith in Jesus Christ.
So I did just that, 29 years ago yesterday. And I knew His grace on my life from that point on. Since that time, He has sent many folks to walk alongside to instruct and encourage me in my walk with the Lord (and in spite of my many stumblings, He has been faithful). And He sent me my sweet wife Deb and my sons and daughters Micah, Hannah, Jonathan, and Sarah; and together we've strived to make our family relationship a reflection of Christ's love for men and women.
So, thank you, Dad and Mom. Thank you, Chuck. Thank you, brothers and sisters. Thank you, Deb and Kiddos.
And thank you, dear Jesus, for seeking me out and bringing me to you. All glory to You.
"But by the grace of God I am what I am..." 1Corinthians 15:10
~ Tom
Happy Spiritual Birthday Tom! I had never heard your whole testimony. I enjoyed reading it!
Posted by: Chris | Sunday, February 20, 2005 at 11:01 PM
I hadn't heard the whole story either! Interesting, Tom. Thanks for sharing that.
Posted by: Bet | Monday, February 21, 2005 at 12:04 PM
Tom--I'd never heard your testimony in its entirety. What a blessing! Happy Spiritual Birthday. We just celebrated Jess's on Feb. 2. Praise the Lord for saving our men, right Deb?
Posted by: Rhonda | Monday, February 21, 2005 at 02:35 PM