Lots going on around the ol' Mountain Musings homeplace today--all in preparation for Monday's trip. It seems overwhelming; but, amazingly, I'm sure by Monday morning all of it will have gotten accomplished (with the help of the Lord).
Because of so many details and little "worries" to think about in connection with the trip: finishing packing, leaving instructions and phone numbers for the kids, and making sure our heads are still connected, today's Our Daily Bread devotional was perfectly timed. Go over to the Radio Bible Class site and read the story about this lady's "worry box." She resolved not to think about all the details, problems, and little worries she had as long as she wrote them down and stuck them in her worry box.
There's a better solution--placing all those worries in God's capable hands. He will more than abundantly meet our needs and put peace in our hearts. I just need to remember that in the hecticness of life.
"Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own troubles." ~Matthew 6:34