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  • Proverbs 7:2-3
    " Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye. Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart."

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Friday, September 23, 2005



Yay, Deb!!!! This blesses my heart. I've had to defend myself to my extended family - aunts, uncles, cousins - for the years we've been homeschooling. My harshest critic has been my cousin, who is a teacher in California. All she can see is that I'm not following the school's calendar, and to her, that's horrible! LOL My children aren't getting enough education, yet she spends her days with fourth graders who can't read or spell, teaching her students according to government objectives. She is artistic and loves to teach art, but she can't do that freely in her classroom, because of the outcome-based objectives. I'm free to teach my children in a way that is best for each of them, but she is required to teach only what the government decides is necessary and the amount of time each day that is necessary. It's amazing how brainwashed she is! Maybe I should go blog about it instead of filling up your comment section! LOL Thanks for your post; we need more people to graciously defend homeschooling and turn out students who are actually well-educated!


One thing you can never be sure of in public school either is an attitude. The ground is pretty level when it comes to that. But at least at home, the parents have more say over the discipline of the students when attitude affects behavior.


Thank you, Susan, for your support. I'm glad you commented. I feel for homeschooling families who have to endure criticism when they're trying to give the best to their children.

Paula, I'm trying to recall some attitude problems through our years but can't really dredge any up. I'm thinking the majority of homeschooled children enjoy how they're learning and parents don't have attitude problems to overcome. But I could be wrong in that; I just never had to deal with it.


And I think that may have been my point! Trickle down effect maybe. What happens when 'school' isn't in session carries over into the 'classroom.' I didn't homeschool, but have friends who do. This is their experience. I support them wholeheartedly.

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