Last week when the Connecticut relatives came down for a visit, we had such a good time together. One of our "traditions" is to play Password; a visit just isn't complete without it! It was a little confusing at first, when we were trying to figure out how to play a 4 player game with a group of 10. Once we got all of that straightened out, we had a grand time giving clues and guessing words. My team lost, but not by much!
We also played Mad Gab, Taboo, and Pass the Bomb. It was a lot of fun! What are some of your favorite games to play?
It's been so long since I've played, Sarah. I think the last game I played was Password with you all at Christmas time. You all are lucky enough to have enough family members to make a game any old time! :)
I'll look forward to playing with you again when I can get up there.
Posted by: Aunt Bet | Tuesday, February 28, 2006 at 07:15 PM
Mad Gab has become one of our favorites. My brother and sil gave us the game when we were in SC at Thanksgiving, and when we brought it out at a church fellowship here in Canada, our Canadian friends loved it! So now it's a standard around here. Another favorite of our family is Phase 10, and we also like Uno and Uno Attack.
Posted by: Susan | Tuesday, February 28, 2006 at 10:30 PM
Hi Sarah! We like playing Scrabble, Yahtzee, Cranium, and Pictionary. Glad you all had a wonderful time with your that Elizabeth came to meet everyone visiting, too. How are things with DD, your Grandma and Mom? I am praying for them and you all at home as well.
Posted by: Dorothy | Wednesday, March 01, 2006 at 10:22 AM
We like to play Scattergories and Balderdash. Another game us kids like to play is called Spoons. Anyone ever played that?
Posted by: Courtney | Wednesday, March 01, 2006 at 10:26 AM
We like to play Trivial Pursuit,Scattegories and The Mixed Up United States game.That one is good for learning and remembering state capitals.
Posted by: Tammy | Wednesday, March 01, 2006 at 10:32 AM
Thanks for all the replies! :)
Mrs. Horton, Mom called last night...DD is home from the hospital. He's stilled pretty tired. Mom might be able to come home tomorrow, but she's not sure yet.
Last night Hannah, Dad, and I played Scattergories which was a lot of fun. :)
Courtney, yes, we know about Spoons. Some friends taught us how to play one time when there was over 20 people. There was quite a scramble for the spoons in that game! Do you play with the "pig" names and having to do "general annoucements?" When we first learned how to play that's what we did, but then other people didn't seem to know what that was. :)
All of y'all need to come visit us for a game night sometime! :)
Posted by: Sarah | Wednesday, March 01, 2006 at 10:51 AM
No, we don't play spoons that way ( I don't even know what that way is ). We just use SkipBo cards and spoons.
Posted by: Courtney | Wednesday, March 01, 2006 at 12:23 PM