From The Word

  • Proverbs 7:2-3
    " Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye. Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart."

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Wednesday, April 19, 2006



Pick Me, Pick Me! :)

That book sounds interesting. With all the "new fangled" ways to communisate... email, instant messaging, cell phones, text messaging.....letter wrting truely has become a lost art. It has also become more of a treasure, just like most things that are hard to come by. Thanks for that motivating post! I'll have to get out my colored paper and I even have some wax and a special stamp, hows that for old fashioned! :)


I have a few snail-mail buddies, but I now rely on the convenience of e-mail for most of my friends.
Momma got me this really neat greeting card set for my b-day. I think there were 52 cards in this really cute box. We got the set on clearance Wal-mart for $4. The cards are SOOO cute and I'll really use them!!


Me! Me! Me!

I do better at keeping up with folks via e-mail and such, because it's so easy to type up a quick note. But I do love to get mail, and to get mail, you usually have to take the first step and send mail. I don't know what my friends would think if they found a fancy letter from me in their mailbox - maybe that I was dying or something?! LOL


I wish letter writing hadn't fallen by the wayside :(. There is nothing like getting a handwritten, thoughtfully-written in the mailbox from a dear friend :). I have two snail-mail pals, both of whom have e-mail. We just prefer to write each other the old-fashioned way! E-mail does have its advantages of course. . . Thanks for the interesting post!


Chris and Susan, I hear all those "pick me" requests. :) Well, just you wait and you might be rewarded! You never can tell. :)

Courtney, hey, at $4 a box for 52 cards how can Hannah ever sell any of her handmade cards?? But I like Walmart too much to boycott them! :)

Susan G., I thought you seemed like the type of person who would absolutely love an old-fashioned letter. I'm glad some folks still stick with snail mail for some special correspondence.


I recently sent my mom a treat bag. I crossstitched a towel (for Christmas but then couldn't wait lol) so I decided to send it as if it were an exchange like I see so many pictures of. I haven't heard from her yet but it's been a week and she should be getting it soon. I included a card in which I wrote that it was for no special occasion; only that I love her and miss her. After reading Mrs. Wilt's post and now yours, I am so happy that I did that. :)

Your pictures of Cass Railroad bring back so many memories. I am from WV and have lived in Roanoke, VA for 20 years (last November). When my boys (who are 16 and 13)were 3 and 1 we went to Cass with their paternal grandparents. I have a picture of the boys in one of the old houses we stayed in. My older son holding himself up in the top of a doorway and my younger son running underneath him. lol How I worried! Anyway, thanks for the trip down memory lane.

You asked if I have any pictures of finished stitching. I do on my blog At the bottom I have pics of different things I've done lately. I do it for the joy of it..not for the results. That is a good thing lol :)


Is it too late to get into the "pick me" category? I could sure use a pick me up these days! I miss you and would love to have tea, play Scrabble, and chat...even on a rainy day. :-)

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