From The Word

  • Proverbs 7:2-3
    " Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye. Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart."

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Tuesday, April 04, 2006



Are we in that address book? I'm sure we took up a whole page if we are. But, hey, ya'll moved a lot too. :)


Courtney, y'all are! and I have new addresses going and coming surrounding your name! Maybe y'all will stay where you are now for awhile...until YOU move to your own household. :)


I treasure my address book, too! Jay gave it to me as a gift when we were dating. I agree that it is a precious remembrance of friends and family that have come and gone. They have all blessed my life in so many wonderful ways! You are in my address book...what a blessing for me!


I don't have an address book.I use a 3 by 5 index card box.I just write out a new card whenever people get a new address and throw out the old card.


Dorothy, thanks!

Tammy, that would certainly solve the messy address book problem! :) I had never considered an address BOX.


I had a Lang calendar that I couldn't throw out, because of all the fun memories written in it. I posted a treasure at my blog too....


I just came in to leave a comment on your 13 list and the word Lang caught my eye. I lived down the street from Lang until just last year. They practically own the whole town of Delafield, population 6400. I'm surprised to see they are so well known. Everyone around here has tons of Lang things in their homes of course, mostly because twice a year they have a huge clearance sale. Those weekends people spend hours in the lines to get into their factory and buy up their overstock.


Lauren, how interesting. I'd love to get in on those deals! I usually pick up Lang stuff from vendors at Christmas craft shows.

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