"...He did not leave Himself without a witness, in that He did good and gave you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying your hearts with food and gladness." ~Paul and Barnabas, pointing the people of Lystra to God the Creator--Acts 14:17
The frost date for our area is just around the corner (May 12th), so gardening season will be fully underway soon! For the past month, though, I have already been busy preparing our raised beds, sowing seeds, and tending some of the earlier plants. It has been nice working outside before the summer heat comes and watching as the young plants grow. This year we had a neighbor guy come plow a new section of ground for us, out in the field past our current fenced-in garden. It will be a lot more work to get it ready to plant, but some great room for all the new crops we plan to put in (such as corn, melons, and berries). Several trips to the stables have not quite covered this plot yet. :)
Here are my sugar snap peas twining their way up some chicken wire Sarah helped me install.
The spinach plant that over-wintered is next to a row of baby versions. Lettuce is also sprouting on the opposite side of this bed.
The red and yellow onions are shooting up nicely. A mole enjoyed touring his way through the rows of bulbs, but I hope they continue to do well.
Our strawberry patch is full of white blooms, and I can see several small green berries forming. Once they finally ripen to the color of that mailbox, I'm sure I'll be out picking every evening getting fresh berries for Dad's cereal in the morning--or maybe some berry smoothies?? :)
Besides the spinach, radishes (young ones at left) are the only thing we've been able to sample so far (Read: ...that Hannah's been able to sample so far. Not every member of the family has a taste for all these things, but it's fun to grow them anyway!). Other seeds I've planted: beets, carrots, cilantro, and green beans. Anyone have any hints for growing carrots? They and their cousin cilantro haven't decided to come up out of the dirt after more than 2 weeks. Maybe I should have started them in different soil, because they are a little finicky starting off, I've heard. Oh well, there's always next year! It's always interesting trying new plants each year and learning about another part of God's creation. Stay tuned for more pictures as the Mountain Musings garden progresses!
"So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth." ~Paul, speaking of spiritual fruit--1 Corinthians 3:7
Thanks for the update, Hannah! Looking good so far.
Posted by: Aunt Bet | Wednesday, May 10, 2006 at 05:34 AM
Looks Beautiful! Keep up the good work, I'm sure the rabbits will be happy as your garden looks soooo enticing! ;)
Posted by: Chris | Wednesday, May 10, 2006 at 06:05 AM
Wow! I'm surprised to see so many different things coming up already. Even though I'm a country girl, I'm rather new to all this gardening stuff and I never know when to do what. lol Good job. Your place looks so peaceful!
Posted by: lisa | Wednesday, May 10, 2006 at 06:21 AM
Your garden is neat.We live in the suburbs where there would be no room for a garden that plentiful.Thanks for putting Bible verses along with the post-adds a nice touch.Enjoy!!!
Posted by: Tammy | Wednesday, May 10, 2006 at 09:29 AM
Hannah, that garden looks wonderful! You will soooo enjoy eating all that fresh produce! Wish I could hire you to come get me started! Today I planted flowers and gardenia bushes in my yard...nothing to eat, but lots to smell. Keep those pictures coming!
Posted by: Dorothy | Thursday, May 11, 2006 at 05:39 PM
Thanks for posting this! I love the scriptures you used. I didn't realise you were such a gardener! It is great that you are developing such a helpful skill. It is wonderful to see things grow.
Posted by: Sherrin | Friday, May 12, 2006 at 10:32 PM
Aunt Bet, wish you could be here to help eat the peas! ;) I'll look forward to seeing what all you have growing in your yard when we're there.
Mrs. O, you bet the rabbits are wishing they could get inside the fence to have a meal. Mom is worried that they (and the deer) will find the new garden area which isn't fenced at this point. We'll see!
Lisa, this is the first year really that I've gotten started this early in the season, although some things I probably could have planted even earlier since we have raised beds. I, too am slowly learning about what each crop takes, and we try to plant something new each year.
Mrs. C, I'm glad we have the space for a garden now that we've moved to this location. It's our first real one, although Mom has always had a green thumb wherever we've lived. :)
Mrs. H, gardenia bushes sound nice! We've never had those. I"m sure your yard looks pretty.
Sherrin, glad you enjoyed this post. The verse in Acts was part of a recent devotional written by Henry Morris and when I read it, I thought it would be perfect to include in the post I was planning to write. I've enjoyed learning to garden and am happy to help out the family with it.
Posted by: hannah | Saturday, May 13, 2006 at 08:54 AM