From The Word

  • Proverbs 7:2-3
    " Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye. Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart."

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Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Mrs Blythe

Is it only just Mother's Day for you? We had it a while ago in England.

Great post. Beautiful stitching. x


Thank you, Mrs. Blythe. Mothers' Day here is always the 2nd Sunday in May.


Your stitching is perfect and I love that particular list of rules.

It was about a year ago that I realized that *I* cannot make my children who I want them to be. I went to my church and found the sanctuary empty. I knelt at the front and "gave" them to God. Of course, they were already His but I had to surrender to that fact. I ask his guidance in leading them and I try to be a good example, but ultimately they are in His command.

Thanks for reminding me that I need to get my mom's gift in the mail. :)


Deb, I remember reading that cross stitch long ago in your home and what an impact it had on me just starting our family! Thanks for the reminder. I hope you have a wonderful Mother's day with all your sweet kids!


Nice picture.Your walls must be filled with many cross stitch pictures.Have a nice Mothers Day.


Lisa, how true! We can pray that God will watch out for them and take what we've taught them about Him to live lives for Him. We can't walk the walk for them though; we can only trust that God will keep directing.

Hi Chris, thanks! Hope you and ALL of yours have a happy day, too.

Tammy, yes, we definitely do have a few cross-stitches filling the walls. Hope your Mother's Day is happy!


Beautiful, Deb! I've always loved Susannah Wesley's rules.

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