I absolutely LOVE Bath and Body Works products, and here's one that Hannah just gave me for my birthday earlier this month--Olive Nourishing Face Mask--it's a combination of olive oil and shea butter, and it feels glorious! We'll try it out again this weekend. :)
I have to admit that at first smell it doesn't have the beautiful body lotion perfume-y aroma that you would expect from their products...but after I got used to it, I think it's a very clean, refreshing type of smell. Different. I love it. I even love the drab olive color.
I also just checked the B&BW website and found out if you sign up to receive their emails, you can get this lip product free with any purchase. I love free stuff, too.
Mrs. Wilt over at The Sparrow's Nest recently posted on Feminine Friday and ways to pamper yourself. Do you have a very favorite pampering product? Share it with us. :)
I recently bought that lip gloss stuff and it's like smearing pink toothpaste on your lips. LOL But hey, if it's free, I'd still get it! Hahaha
I do like B&BW, but rarely buy anything. I like getting gifts from there. :D
Have a wonderful day!
Posted by: Tammy S. | Friday, July 28, 2006 at 09:29 AM
I'll have to give that mask a try. I have also used that lip gloss in mint, and although it is a bit gooey, it made my lips tingle and freshened my breath.
I'm not much into foo-foo stuff, but I do buy and use Biolage shampoo. the BX sells B&BW at a discount and no tax, so I will pick up a bottle of their lotion a couple times a year.
Posted by: Donna | Saturday, July 29, 2006 at 01:56 AM
Summer trips back to the US always include a stop at a Bath and Body Works shop!! I like their new fig scent.
I'll have to go look at the olive face mask--nourishing sounds great! Thanks for sharing with us!!
Posted by: amanda p. wu | Saturday, July 29, 2006 at 02:40 AM