From The Word

  • I Peter 5:8-11
    Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a "roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

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« Tuesday Treasures From Afar | Main | Thursday Thirteen »

Wednesday, September 20, 2006



The blanket turned out beautiful! I like the color choice. You have been busy with all your responsibilities around the house! We are busy putting our house back together after having most of the downstairs flooring replaced. Hope you have a good rest of the week! You did a great job with your post. :-)

Aunt Bet

Beautiful blankie, Sarah! Thanks for posting.:)


Nice blanket.

Have fun being a homemaker!!


Your blanket is beautiful!

I didn't know some people still kept hope chests. What a great idea!

Have a question for you, Sarah, I know that when I work on my cross-stich projects, I think about and pray for the reciepent. I also know that my grandmothers have told me that when they knit or crochet they think about the reciepent too. But, how about you? When you are working on a blanket for someone who has not entered the world yet, do you think about your future babies? Do you "hope" and pray the whole time you are working on something like this?

I would also be interested in knowing what else is inside your hope chest and more about it. Like, when did you start putting one together?


That is the cutest most adorable blanket!



What a beautiful blanket and beautiful thoughts. It is wonderful that you are planning for the days to come when God makes you a wife and a mommy!


Thank you for all your comments everybody!

Amanda, yes, I did think about my future children when I was working on the blanket. I didn't actually pray specifically for them though...that's a wonderful idea! I should remember to do that on future projects. :)
Maybe coming up soon, Hannah and I will write an entire post on our hope chests. I actually can't remember exactly when we started one...I think it was at least 5 years ago. :)

Susan P.

You did a beautiful job on the blanket. I had a hope chest when I was growing up and every now and then I would sit on my floor and carefully take everything out all the while dreaming of the day when I would be wife and a Mommy:) I know your Mom must be very proud of you!


Lovely! Both the blanket and your post :)


I would LOVE to hear more about your hope chest. I want to encourage my daughter to start one but I think she is still a bit young (she will be 9 in Oct) but I am thinking that age 12 may be a good start. I will be looking forward to seeing your post on this topic. Have a blessed day, Dana


Way to go, Sarah!! It sounds like you're doing a great job being a "keeper at home".

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