From The Word

  • Proverbs 7:2-3
    " Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye. Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart."

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Friday, September 01, 2006



I am glad that all is well with your family after the storm and I hope your hubby makes it home soon!


I pray for safety and endurance for Tom this weekend. We arrived in VA with hurricane Isabel in 2003 and I was in awe of the incredible work the repair crews performed for weeks on end. I hope you can still enjoy your weekend without your love. Blessings to you all.


The actual storm missed us by about 10 miles but we had plenty of wind and rain.

Chris is still working temp jobs during the week.He took one in Huntersville,NC-near Charlotte.Chris is still gone during the week but at least he is closer then Ohio and not flying.I call this our new normal and keep praying that he gets a job back at home to say things are back to normal!!Actually then it will be our new normal all over AGAIN.


Some of those 320,000 without power are us!

we are sending this via generator!!!!

Our power went out Friday morning at 7:10am so all I've got to say is, "Hey Tom, Come on down!!!"

Despite Ernesto our church's 40th anniversary is going strong. Power just came on at the church today so we will have a service tonight and tomorrow.




Thank you Randi and Donna for your well wishes and prayers.

Tammy, sometimes I guess we wonder about the meaning of normal--like the book title "normal is only a setting on your dryer!" Hope your household gets back to an enjoyable normal before too long.

Fred, sorry we couldn't attend the 40th anniv festivities. But glad we were able to see most of the folks there back in July. Tom is still working the outages over this way because Charlottesville was hit so badly. But thankfully that just might keep him from being shipping your direction for even longer!

Tammy S

We were supposed to get some of that rain too, but not so any longer! I was hoping for the rain, because our yard has been needing it. Oh well, guess I'll drag out the sprinkler!

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