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  • Proverbs 7:2-3
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Thursday, September 21, 2006



I feel like you cheated--that is only ten games. You didn't play by the rules of "this game." *wink* *wink* (I'm just kidding.)

I LOVE games!! Of the games you listed--I like and enjoy all of them except for Tribond and Trivial Pursuit. And I can't say that I like these two because, well, I've never played them. (But, I have Taboo in Chinese!!)

In addition to your list, I love a good game of spades or hearts. I also enjoy Chicken foot and 42 (dominoe games). Farkle--a game with dice--has a funny name and is fun to play too.

Rumicube, Parcheesi, a speed version of Monopoly, Five Crowns, Phase 10, Skipbo, Cranium, and Battleship, are all fun. If I have a bunch of students over we usually play Jenga or Swap. There is also a few Taiwanese games I have added to my "fun to play" list.

Great topic for a "Thursday 13" . . . right up my alley! :)

Oh, and I will be eagerly awaiting yall's possible future post on your hope chests--but no rush or anything. (It took me about two weeks to answer some of your mom's questions.)


I like Trivial Pusuit,Game of Life,Jenga,and Scrampled States of America game.When I was a Girl Scout leader the girls loved played the states game and this game came in handy for teaching ESL (English as Second Language)students geography.


Heh, heh. I promise you that I CAN normally count...I suppose I was rushing to get it posted so much that I didn't realize it was only 10. *blushes*

I shall add to my list - I love lots of games! :)


Games are so much fun! So is this post! :-) We have Pit. Our Sarah bought it after playing it with you at a CHEF game day, I believe. None of us have learned to play it, though, much to her dismay. NOT A PERSON in our family can beat Sarah at Clue. She has some secret, unbeatable way to win every time! We have almost all the games you listed. I can't believe that your Mom's and my favorite game, Scrabble, is not on your list! Is it because your Mom is unbeatable?! I've never beat her! Note to you live in China? My sister-in-law lives in Beijing...let me know, okay? Great post (again), Sarah!


Mrs. H., I'm sad to say that I am horrible at Scrabble and therefore do not enjoy it. :(

Y'all should really learn to play Pit! (Make them learn, Sarah!) It is quite fun. :)



Chyrll Fox

We like Pit,Rook,Phase Ten,Uno,and best of all a game of Scrabble. We enjoy a good game on a cold winter's night.


Dorothy, I live in Kaohsiung County in Taiwan.


Thanks, Amanda, for letting me know. I was just thinking of you this morning! Blessings to you there!

Barbara H.

Many of my favorites are there! I love Taboo but can't get anyone to play with me (wonder if it is because all the rest of my family are males. I tend to like word games; they like strategy games like chess and Risk.)

Great TT!

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