From The Word

  • I Peter 5:8-11
    Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a "roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

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Thursday, January 25, 2007



What an unusual yarn shop experience. I think you live a charmed life. :) I gave up knitting. I could not will myself to stop gripping the needles for dear life and it was causing me some new pains. I do still like to crochet, although I've yet to correctly follow a pattern.

Please let Sarah know that I really love her blanket. I've been meaning to do a quilt with those sort of edges for the boys' rooms.


What a wonderful shop! I learned to knit socks just a couple of years ago. We have a great knitting store here - Needle in the Square. I don't go there often because I just can't afford that yarn. I do desire to though! It feels wonderful! I found some yarn on sale at JoAnn's for $1.50 a skein. It is a chenille type and I am knitting a shawl right now.


You and me both, Deb! I would love to learn to knit, but haven't the faintest idea how to even start. And I don't think I could pay that much for a skein of yarn, either!

When Beth and I were taking our cake decorating courses, a knitting class came in and asked if they could just use a corner of the room. There was a man in that group. He wasn't effeminate at all, great big guy, but Beth was just totally thrown off by a MAN knitting! LOL

Tammy S.

Oh, but it looks like you're on your way to being a great knitter! It sounds like you found a great shop!


I think it's great you're trying so hard! I would have felt out of my league in a lovely shop like that as well. I'm so glad you blogged about your visit!


I could just picture you - because I would have felt the same way!
I, too, wish I could knit, and just might try to one of these days!


Sounds like an interesting experience, Deb! I haven't tried to knit yet...I'd like to learn. Sarah was knitting squares for her blanket today. She is a lefty knitter and knits lightening fast and perfectly, too. Amazes me! Good luck getting going again! :-)

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