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Thursday, February 01, 2007



Neat facts to know about the state that was married in.It is funny that I lived in Virginia for 3 years in the military and 5 years single but never married. 6 cities in the same state is cool-only Tom has ever had to get a new drivers license and that was what about 28 years ago?

Couple facts about our latest state to live(do they have state of confusion):
Pepsi was invented and first served in New Bern in 1898.

Andrew Johnson started his career as a tailor's apprentice in Raleigh

The first English child born in America was born in Roanoke in 1587. Her name was Virginia Dare

By thw way I was born in Rhode Island-smallest state in the union.


How interesting! Virginia is definitely one of the most historically-rich states :-). I've never been there, but Lord willing, I'll be there next weekend! I won't have time to search y'all out, or I would :-(. I'm going to be visiting Adrian in Blacksburg :-D.

I loved the Chincoteague books! I didn't realize the island was in Virginia. I've always wanted to visit Jamestown. Maybe someday!

Nicholas Cardot

I have a friend whose first and middle name is Virginia Elizabeth. Several years ago, shortly after we just met, I told her that the state of Virginia was named after Queen Elizabeth and she was quite amused. She went home and told her parents assuming that they probably knew that. They didn't. They all learned something knew that day. And here she was with both names as her own. Virginia Elizabeth.


Thanks for sharing with us about "Old Virginny." It was very informative. Great idea to post about it for your "Thursday Thirteen" theme.

I'm looking forward to The Serven Clan's sharing about their state too! Any guesses on which state they will choose?

Have a wonderful day!


That made me homesick for Old Virginny this morning! Mississippi is very different from there! Don't know much about the state yet except: it is very flat; there are mostly pine trees where we are; it is still recovering from Hurricane Katrina (devastation is still easily seen); "No Swimming" signs are still posted at the Biloxi beach; the live oak trees are incredibly supposed to be over 2000 years old is in Biloxi; Keesler Air Force Base is here; there are fire ant hills everywhere and they hurt! We hope to explore this southern state over the next 3+ years.


We just happen to be reading about Jametown this week! I think it would be awesome to attend the anniversary. We will going to PA this year to visit my dad so I will have to check into that for sure!


How neat to live among the deep historical roots of Virginia...our family visited Chincoteague years ago, rented bicycles and rode the island...we did get to see the wild horses. It was very exciting. But just exciting to us was getting close to the fawns and does that came up to the path as we rode. We are from a concrete city, no daily country life experience for us, so we thought it was wonderful!


Oh Crabtree Falls is one of our favorite places. The secret to hiking it is to have two cars with you! You park one down bottom and then drive up top and park and hike DOWN! I have hiked up it, but it's a killer. My Daddy grew up in Schyler and knew the Hamners also!


I just went to read the one about Kansas since that is one of the states my husband spent most of his life, his parents still live there. It reminded me that Dwight's wife was born in Staunton!


My husband and I talk often about our desire to visit Virginia - we are both history lovers!
Thanks for sharing about your lovely state!

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