From "Jonathan Edwards, A New Biography" by Iain H. Murray:
"But given the need of Yale, and given Edwards' availability, it is highly probable that efforts to place him in Connecticut's only college were under active consideration in 1723. It may well also have been the case that Timothy Edwards regarded a further period of study as a tutor at Yale as being in Jonathan's best long-term interests. He knew well that more than warm piety is needed for the right discharge of the work of the ministry. Confronted by these perplexing alternatives and not yet twenty years of age, Edwards is likely to have depended upon his father's counsel. We have already noted that Timothy Edwards' advice had played a part in his not continuing in New York, and in the summer of 1723 parents and son were closer than they had ever been. A Diary entry for May 18, 1723, reads: 'I now plainly perceive what great obligation I am under to love and honour my parents. I have great reason to believe that their counsel and education have been my making.' "
~ Tom