Deb gave me this book about a year ago (last Christmas), and I am just now starting to read it. I really look forward to it!
From the Introduction by Tryon Edwards, 1851: "The subject of these Lectures is eminently practical and important. Love is the first outgoing of the renewed soul to God - "We love him, because he first loved us." It is the sure evidence of a saving work of grace in the soul - "The fruit of the Spirit is love." "
From Lecture 1: "The word [charity] properly signifies love, or that disposition or affection whereby one is dear to another... [re 1Corinthians 13] And by the apostle's mentioning so many and so high things, and then saying of them all, that they profited nothing without charity, we may justly conclude, that there is nothing at all that avails anything without it. Let a man have what he will, and do what he will, it signifies nothing without charity... Love will dispose the Christian to behave toward God, as a child to a father; amid difficulties, to resort to him for help, and put all his trust in him... It will dispose us to praise God for the mercies we receive from him... Love, again, will dispose our hearts to submission to the will of God, for we are more willing that the will of those we love should be done, than of others."
~ Tom
Oh, I have had that book for many years and have never gotten around to reading it. But, I always intend to... ;-)
Posted by: Ginny | Saturday, December 22, 2007 at 06:31 AM
Look forward to a book report!!
Posted by: Tammy | Saturday, December 22, 2007 at 09:00 AM
Deb, I wanted you to know that I got the beautiful card today. My husband Vann, Sophie, and I appreciate the thoughtfulness, and the friendship. --Susan
Posted by: Susan Ramey Cleveland | Saturday, December 22, 2007 at 12:44 PM
It looks like it will be a great book to read. I'll have to keep a look out for one to buy for our family to read.
Posted by: Dorothy | Sunday, December 23, 2007 at 06:03 PM