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  • Proverbs 7:2-3
    " Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye. Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart."

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Monday, March 10, 2008



Sounds awesome! what a fun day!

Wagner Family

Oh that looks like such fun!
I am so glad you all had a great time together even tho' you passed by the stewed tomatoes! Now Deb....why didn't you try those? Hmmmm?
The cobbler sounded VERY yummy, but Jeff would have loved blackberry cobbler more.
Did you buy anything in the gift shop?


Sounds like a lovely evening! I always enjoy going out on a double date with our friends too.


What wonderful pictures! So glad you all had a lovely time together. A four hour lunch with special friends is a real blessing! The scenery looks beautiful...we have missed seeing mountains!


Glad that you had a fun day.I would have eaten the stewed tomatoes and passed up the black eyed peas!!


Hi Deb,
What great fun! Mitchie Tavern is one of our favorite places to visit. I especially love the gift shop! I could spend hours in there. We loved the atmoshere at lunch time. The wait staff in period costumes...more fried chicken...the fireplaces...more fried chicken...:) The only thing i didn't like were the metal cups that our drinks were served in...made my teeth hurt.


Yes it was a fun day! Four hours just WASN'T LONG enough! :) You captured the day well Deb. Lord willing, we will have many more, and even sneek in a few UKROPS lunches too! :)


Ah, Michie Tavern! It's been ages since I've been there! Sounds like you had a great time! I guess there's nothing better than good friends and good food! :)

Sandy Scolaro

I'm jealous. Double dates, sounds like a wonderful way to get together once a year with brothers and sisters in Christ. It's been too long since we have seen a 3d version of you two. Now that we've settled down into one location, could we join next year and make it a triple?

Courtney, Jer.33:3

mmmmmmmm............the food sounded like it was great!!
Glad you got to visit with your friends!


Hi Sandy! Where in the world did you come from...reading the blog??! Long time no see! Tell Shari hello and that we would LOVE to get together with y'all. Y'all are actually probably closer to us than the OD's. Let's keep a triple in mind!

Thank you to everyone else who commented, too!


HEY!!! Sandy and Shari!!!! (too many exclaimation marks huh Deb!? :)) We will definitely have to do a three some very soon!!


This sounds SO fun. I'm wishing you'd mentioned the price...hubby and I are going to the Bell House in Colonial Heights for our anniversary soon. There are so many nice B & B's in this historical area. (Looks like you're in VA, too.)


Carmen, the cost for the meal was $15.95 per person but did not include the beverage or dessert but did include as many servings as you wanted from the buffet line.

Thanks for stopping by!

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