Thirteen Things We've Been Doing on Our Blog Break!
Well, we've had a very enjoyable week away from the computer and thought it would be a good time to catch everyone up on what's been going on around Mountain Musings lately.
1. My mom and her friend, Evelyn, visited for lunch one day last week for my birthday. We took them on a tour of the gardens--you can see the tall sunflowers behind them. My mom will be 80 in a couple of weeks, and her friend is 85! They drove three hours to get here and drove back home the same day after their short visit.
The girls prepared a delicious lunch for the special occasion. Our menu: Ham Broccoli Ring, Tomato & Cucumber Salad, Sugar Snap Peas, Ring of Cantaloupe topped with raspberries and blackberries from the garden (along with watermelon balls), and Key Lime Pie for dessert. Yummy!
And don't forget the
Peter Paul Mounds Cake!** After our company left, Sarah got busy in the kitchen baking a birthday cake. I have requested this particular chocolate cake every year since I was a little girl! It's unfortunate the guys don't like coconut, but it's only once a year.
4. Tom scheduled a vacation day and took me downtown to The Pampered Palate for lunch. We always enjoy the time we spend together. I took my camera and forgot to take a picture!
5. One of our errands while out (a surprise!) was looking at picnic tables over in Stuarts Draft! I have wanted an outdoor table for awhile now, and it was just delivered this week--a big one that seats 10 and 2 extra on the ends if needed. We haven't initiated it yet--who wants to come over and help us try it out?
4th of July holiday was a very nice celebration at the home of one of our church families. After target practice with
really LOUD guns, there were lots of afternoon games: balloon toss, 3-legged race, wheelbarrow and gunny sack races, tug of war, and hula hoops! Here's Jonathan on our family's team trying to get the hoop over to Sarah.
Thankfully, I was the official photographer for the day and, instead of jumping in a sack, participated by taking pictures of everyone having fun! Quite hilarious! We all had an enjoyable time and some sore muscles and bruises the next day!
7. Our contribution to the July 4th cookout was Sarah's Turtle Trifle**--an outta-this-world delicious chocolate dessert! Doesn't it look yummy in this punch bowl?
8. Even though we were taking a blog break, garden chores didn't take a vacation--the raspberries keep on a'coming, and the green beans need picking! Hannah also harvested the rest of the lettuce and keeps the Mountain Musings' kitchen well supplied with her garden produce.
9. Also, we've been out measuring the garden in order to answer a question a commenter recently asked about the size of our garden. Well, we actually have two gardens because we quickly outgrew the original one. The "old" garden has four raised beds (made with 2" x 6" boards) that are 26' by 4', 15' by 3', and 15' by 5' long. There's a middle mounded row between the two longer raised beds that is 26' by 2'.
The "new" garden is for spreading vegetables like watermelon, cantaloupe, pumpkins, acorn and butternut squash, and gourds (our first try at gourds). Also corn, raspberries, blackberries, and the strawberry bed are in this garden. All the flowers you see down in the new garden are volunteers: sunflowers, cosmos, cockscomb, and scabiosa are from last year's seeds being dropped.
The new garden measures approximately: 62' x 50'. I'm gradually working on making a flower bed around the perimeter just like the old garden. I have two sides done so far, and I need brick or stone to go around the mulch for borders. I'm on the lookout for free bricks!
Yesterday Hannah made some
Zucchini Squares for lunch with her first zucchini of the season. We are hoping a few more will be ready before Sunday as we're preparing
Vegetable Lasagna for our fellowship meal.
11. And on the days that we didn't go outside to work in the garden...Hannah is crocheting a baby blanket; Sarah is sewing on her red double wedding ring quilt; and I'm still knitting a kitchen towel. (Update pictures will be posted after we're farther along.)
12. During part of our blog break, we've been busy working on all the necessary preparations for our next two Keepers at Home skill days. Hannah is teaching calligraphy, and she and I are teaching scrapbooking at the end of the month.
13. Finally, we relaxed and enjoyed the sunset (picture taken by Hannah from our front porch).
Everyone have a wonderful weekend ~ see you on the blog on Monday!
** recipes on continuation page
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