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  • Proverbs 7:2-3
    " Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye. Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart."

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« Pockets, gussets, and snaps, oh my! | Main | Let Us Break Bread Together »

Friday, January 30, 2009


Nick Jesch

rice, oats, cocoanuts? So what's not "healthy" about these? The rest of the ingredients are pretty normal. Oh wait, these days to be "healthy" one must use things like quinoa, stevia, soy protein...... These seem so tasty I wish I were there to have some... why, I'd even bring the tea and//or coffee.....


What shortening did Sarah use? butter or something else? I think I might make these later tonight. I have the Rice Krispies and never knew of another cookie recipe to use them in except the traditional Rice Krispie Treats. What kind of oatmeal? Can you use regular or does it have to be quick-cooking?


Aunt Bet, I just used regular white Crisco. :) And the oatmeal is just regular too.


My husband just made these a couple of nights ago. The recipe makes a ton, so he only bakes a few each day. However, I know them as "World's Finest Cookies." The recipe appears in a church cookbook that we've had for years.



These sound really good. You all have such great recipes you need to do your own cookbook!



I don't like coconut so this would not be a favorite for me!


Cookies look and sound delicious! I LOVE coconut!!! That plate looks VERY familiar. ;)


There is an recipe in this community that sounds very much like this one. I often see these cookies at church get-togethers.

Am I slow?? Has the banner been up for awhile? Anyway - I just noticed today - and it is lovely! Good job.


I just made these cookies today. We often take cookies to school for the students who work in our department. I needed five dozen for early next week and these turned out perfectly. Thanks for sharing this recipe!

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