From The Word

  • Proverbs 7:2-3
    " Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye. Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart."

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Tuesday, April 07, 2009



What a neat shop! I didn't picture it quite like that at all. I hope to take some of my lamps in and have them fixed to be as beautiful as yours. Will you post a picture of the goldish/floral yellow globe one so we can see?

Nick Jesch

I used to spend time (too much of it, I suspect) walking the beaches on the wild Northern California coast. Often I'd find old glass, sometimes the Japanese fisherman's glass floats, sometimes even whole bottles (more often found at some of the old homesteads near the beaches). A significant number of these would have that purple tint to them...... it gives them a strange, almost erie, appearance, and makes them so interesting. Sometimes, when one had been lying in the same place for a long time (decades?) one side would be a deeper shade of purple than the other. I've also seen old window glass, the old "float glass" panes with "seeds" (bubbles) and irregular surfaces, tinted purple from being out in the sun so long. the "modern" rolled glass is so refined and "perfect" it is boring...... the old stuff is amazing to see. Those old lamps are amazing, too.... if I'm ever in Virginia......


What an interesting shop. I love the blue floral globe you picked out.



That place looked fun.It reminded me of my grandmother's house was the 70's.She was in her 80's then so you can imagaine what kind of treasures were in her house.

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