From The Word

  • Proverbs 7:2-3
    " Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye. Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart."

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Thursday, June 04, 2009



I enjoy everything you post but I especially like to hear about your home fellowship. I'll be looking forward to your daily blogs!



My ideas for you:

~I feel the same way as the folks at my church in that I'd love to see more of your everyday life.
~Every once in a while I get a glimpse of your tablecloths (like your recent garden-themed cloth). What others do you have?
~Where do your daughters find skirts that are long, full, without slits, and modest?
~What do you eat for breakfast?

Ideas from my daughters:
~We enjoyed the color-themed weeks last year.
~Show us pictures of all your lamps.
~Have you shown us all your collections?
~What is the topic of your family devotions right now?

Leslie From VA

Hi Deb!

I love reading about your day trips, your family history growing up and your special finds that you turn into treasures!


How about a post on a typical day for your family, from start to finish & in pictures!

I'd love to see and learn more about your garden!

We see a lot of what you gals are up to, how about sharing how Tom and Jonathan keep busy.

Hope these ideas help! :)


Can't think of anything to ask about.I know you aren't allowed to show your grandson which is understandable.

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