Did you hear about Pat's Ketchup Weekend? It's a chance to finish up some old projects that are just waiting to be completed! She's giving away prizes, too! Join her flickr group.
Here are the projects I'll be working on for Pat Sloan's weekend challenge. You've seen these all before at one time or another on the blog, but here are three projects that really need finishing so I can start something new!
First, the orange pile quilt was started when Pat had the Orange Pile Challenge a few months ago. My top is completed, but I've not added the back. It's a flannel orange/white polka dot that I found at a little quilt shop off I-81 on our way up to Winchester. The backing is perfect; I love it! I'll work on this quilt for the weekend challenge.
Next is the Siggy Swap project. I'm laying all the blocks out and playing with the color layout to decide what color the backing will be. Hopefully, I'll get the blocks sewn together today and then buy the backing fabric in July when I can get 25% off for my birthday at our local quilt shop.
Third, the Saturday Sampler project that began last July (with a new block added each month) is on my list of to-dos. This past weekend we had our last class for the 12th block. Now we can sew them together, back it, and quilt it (fabric already purchased). This project definitely won't get finished this weekend, but it will be in the wings waiting.
Okay, gotta go get started! What are your craft projects for the weekend? Or will you be outside pulling weeds like I should be doing?
Sadly, no craft projects can make it into my life right now. :( I hope my weekend will be spent resting & enjoying some time with the family. My weeks are so hectic with all that is on my schedule these days! I usually rest on Friday, but it is my Mom's birthday so we are all heading the 75 miles to my parent's house for dinner (we are bringing it) and cake & ice cream to celebrate. :) That's a good busy. Enjoy your crafting weekend! I gotta go bake a cake!
Posted by: Dorothy | Friday, June 19, 2009 at 08:08 AM
Have a fun weekend of crafts.I will be doing laundry while Allison catches up on sleep.She is coming back after a week of her last time at church camp.I know she is going to be tired because she called me at 12:45 this morning.
Good job on the blog for a post of every day!July will be empty when you take a break.
Posted by: Tammy | Friday, June 19, 2009 at 09:03 AM
Deb - those are gorgeous quilts! I don't know how to quilt (as you know :) but I have a new book to read - The Christmas Quilt by Jennifer Chiaverini. Does that count? :) it's a whole series. I hope I like it because I love to get into a series. Have a happy quilting weekend!
Posted by: Islandsparrow | Friday, June 19, 2009 at 09:42 AM
What beautiful quilts. That would be something fun and useful to learn to do. I will be pulling weeds in my garden this weekend and planting some herbs as the seeds I used earlier decided not to bloom. I'll also sneak a dip or two in the pool. It's supposed to be close to 100 here this weekend! Have fun quilting.
Posted by: Victoria | Friday, June 19, 2009 at 12:20 PM
Not much crafting going on here this weekend. We will be celebrating DD Nora's birthday Saturday and Father's Day on Sunday, so I need to work on special meals. Maybe I can sneak in a little sewing on a new top I started last week.
Your quilts are beautiful--I especially like the purple one, but all are lovely. Will you quilt them by hand?
Posted by: Becka | Friday, June 19, 2009 at 02:26 PM