Kathie asked where the ladies in our family were able to find modest skirts to wear, specifically those that are long, full, and without a slit. The answer includes several places--these skirts are out there, but one must look diligently!
Sometimes we purchase basic skirts at department stores such as J.C. Penney or Peebles. It is rare to find them without a slit, though, but last season Sarah and I discovered some great khaki A-line gored skirts on sale. They happened to be quite long and happily slit-free.
Mom gets a lot of use out of the Land's End Necessary Knits collection. We also like some of the quality "riding skirts" L. L. Bean and Eddie Bauer have sold in the past, but it is best to watch for their overstock discounts. I'm sure there are other online merchants where you can find good skirts, but these are what we are most familiar with. Hannah Lise is one such place we have heard of but never ordered from.
A huge source of our skirts has been at yard sales/thrift shops. We always keep our eyes open for good quality skirts; many we have found are name brand, beautiful, and at a can't-be-beat-price. Who would want to get rid of these?? Most occasions they are in excellent condition or maybe simply missing a button.
Many times we have found skirts under our own sewing machines! Learning to make our own clothing has been an enjoyable and necesssary skill to develop.
Sarah has frequently used Simplicity pattern 5524 to make several skirts: out of denim, a solid burgundy, and springy floral fabrics. I have also made a tiered skirt with Simplicity pattern 4595, as well as a couple of denim skirts from a different pattern.
My sister-in-law, Elizabeth, let me trace a skirt of hers made from one of her favorite patterns, Butterick 4025. I have made 2 skirts from this pattern, including the one shown here.
If anyone reading would like to chip in with other recommendations, feel free!
We've pretty much found them in the same places - catalogs, thrift sales and occasionally stores. My daughter also makes her own. Finding modest dresses is even harder - but the Lord provides. Thanks for sharing the pattern numbers. I'll have to check into those.
Posted by: victoria | Monday, June 29, 2009 at 08:32 AM
I don't wear skirts all of the time but these are great.I amy have to try out Land's End.
Today is our 24th anniversary.Your mom was expecting and so were 2 others.They all had boys so we always thought our first would be a boy.Guess we were wrong.
Posted by: Tammy | Monday, June 29, 2009 at 11:40 AM
I know of a website and clothier operated as a homeschool family business.. Christa Taylor has done a fine job of sourcing very stylish yet modest clothing. Her website is christa-taylor.com. I've known this family for many years, and it is amazing to watch Christa and her sister Kelly make this thing go. A couple of brothers and, of course, Dad, are right in their with them, helping out in various ways. Might go check it out.
Posted by: Nick Jesch | Monday, June 29, 2009 at 01:40 PM
A website I use that has tons of suggestions for modest clothing is http://www.colleenhammond.com/modesty-resources.php This website offers lots of places to shop for skirts and patterns. I have ordered from Hannah Lise and they are excellent. I use them about once every 2 years for myself or oldest daughter (who is also a Hannah).
Hope the website is helpful! I have other web sites for maternity if anyone is in need of those for long no slit skirts!
Mrs. Anita Kilpatrick
Posted by: Anita Kilpatrick | Monday, June 29, 2009 at 03:59 PM
I have been able to get all my skirts from Goodwill. I live in a University town and it seems lots of women give their clothing to Goodwill at the end of the season rather than storing it.
Good for me. :)
I am very short waisted but I find the long, flowing skirts look nice with a pull over top, hides the hips, too.
I also have three denim skirts from Goodwill (one at the knee, one just below, and my favorite which is quite long).
Posted by: Brenda@Coffeeteabooksandme | Monday, June 29, 2009 at 06:55 PM
Just got your comment on my blog. Thanks a lot.
I thought of you this morning when I looked at the calendar. What troopers, writing every single day! Good job. I will miss it when you resume neglecting your blog, and only post every few days or so. Let's get our priorities straight, huh? You DO have a responsibility to your readers, you know.
Enjoy your time away. I will be praying for safety and a nice respite from the heavy-duty June blogging. Still praying for your mom's house to sell...And, gear up, you owe me a letter upon your return!
Posted by: Cathy | Monday, June 29, 2009 at 09:15 PM
I have found a catalog that has (for the most part) feminine, conservative, modest and affordable clothes (skirts included). It's Bedfordfair.com. Some of their stuff is kind of squirrelly, but mostly nice. I found my favorite skirts there years ago. I really love them and have worn them out. I've wanted to tear them apart to make a pattern. Just today, I accidentally got pink marker on my skirt that won't come out. Guess now I'll have my pattern.
Also, I just made a very nice looking skirt from a Stretch and Sew pattern. #573 Plus Flared Skirt. It was fairly easy to make and ended looking nice on me. Hope this is a help.
Posted by: Sara | Monday, June 29, 2009 at 10:04 PM
There is a great dress store that is awesome!! It has modest dresses and they are very cute. The sizes are accurate and you can order them online. I actually have tried them on and I really liked them. http://bit.ly/dK6FV check it out!
Posted by: WeberRunner | Tuesday, June 30, 2009 at 09:55 AM
Thrift stores and even Ebay!
Posted by: Courtney, Jer.33:3 | Monday, July 06, 2009 at 08:55 PM
I got a twill skirt from Hannah Lise last year and was very happy with it. They are a little on the expensive side, but the quality was good. =) Goodwill/Thrift stores are where I have had the most success.
Posted by: Hannah Moxley | Wednesday, July 08, 2009 at 08:21 PM
A great new company to check out for skirts without slits, and other feminine clothing is Phyllis Jean. We offer clothes for women, maternity, and young ladies.
Thanks for the other suggestions!
Posted by: Jen | Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 11:48 AM