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  • Proverbs 7:2-3
    " Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye. Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart."

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Friday, January 01, 2010



This will be fun!


Now, I am going to like looking at this every day! I was going to ask where on the side bar, but I finally found it! Happy New Year!!!


Encouraging verse on the sidebar! Thanks, dear friends! =-)


Hi Deb and Hannah. What fun! I didn't know that there was a project for this, I have started doing the same thing.
Happy New Year to you both and all your family.

Mommy of two little blessings

Hello Deb,
I have a question about how to link things in an entry. You have it where you have a word and it will link right to something else. How do you do that? I am wondering what the coding looks like. Thank you ... Sincerely, Mommy of two little blessings


The shot of the icing is terrific.


Is that a quilted table runner I see under that fruit?! :) That would be a good subject for a 365 photo!! :)


Good to see you girls are keeping up with the project! I had to laugh when you said you had a warm January day to bath Pepper -- in the 50s? I would consider that to be really cold in July, our equivalent of your January. It's a lot of fun to compare differences. Warm wishes from Rose


Hi Deb and Hannah,

I'm really enjoying your photos. I loved the box Brownie, I remember Mum taking pictures of my brother and me with me one. And the pile of fabric, just gorgeous. I'm currently reading three of The Elm Creek Manor books -- have you heard of them? They centre on quilting. See


Hi girls, I am continuing to enjoy your photos. I especially enjoyed the plane tracking (Deb) and the icicle (Hannah). I'm still enjoying the Elm Creek Omnibus. Regards, Rose


Hi girls,

Deb I'd go to the dump in a flash if I passed a view like this. I must take a photo from our dump(we call it a 'tip'), it's a lovely view!

Hannah, are the bricks to make the truck heavier to stop it from sliding on the snowy roads?



Hello girls,

Hannah, I think you do need a new jar. :) Your brushes and things remind me...have I told you we run a little art supply shop?

Deb those squares look fun, I'll be emailing soon.


Hi Deb and Hannah,

I'm particularly enchanted by the photos of the cows -- how black are they against the snow! -- and the snow shovel. I take it the shovel is specially designed for the purpose? I haven't seen one like it before. IT must be hard work to clear snow.


Nice work girls! That snow Deb! Wow.I think I would want to swing just to hear the crunch of snow.

And Hannah, love that quilting prep, I am thinking a lot about quilting.


Hi Hannah and Deb,

Hannah that photo of the TV is so well done! I'm not sure what 'combining the exposures' means but it worked!

Deb, I am cooking bolognese sauce for tea as we speak. :)


Continuing to enjoy your photos, girls. Love the snowy driveway and I am so impressed with Hannah's crochet!


Hi Hannah, I am loving our hard and soft textures. Nice work.


"our" and "your"


Hannah, this will probably make you laugh, but the melting snow picture reminded me of defrosting the refrigerator!


Hannah dear, the elderberry syrup photo is nothing short of stunning, it looks like a piece of art! How lovely to see that your Gran is back with you, she looks a sweetie. Warm regards to all the family.


Hey!!! Our grill looked just like your grill last night! That is so funny! We had burgers and hot dogs, too! It was so yummy! Our grill is on the back screened in porch right now so we can grill rain or shine. :-) I wonder what you are having tonight?!


The ice cream looks good, the smarties look good, I look forward to seeing the tulips in bloom but I think my favourite is Hannah's hat where she is working on the fencing.


The picture of the smiley umbrella makes the umbrella look miniature to me...what do you think?!


Wow, hasn't spring suddenly burst forth in your part of the world? It is getting cool at night here but our days are still lovely. There is a different quality of light in both your photos Deb and Hannah.

Hannah, we use tape dispensers like yours in the framing workshop.

Happy Easter to you both and to your family.


That olive oil -- what a delight! Australia is growing olives more and more, I just love those boutique ones.


Hannah, the photo of the allium blossomis stunning.


Hannah, I can see a real change in the landscape as your spring draws in. I have never seen a tortilla press until now.


Dear Hannah, I have caught up on your photos. I especially liked the one of your Mom, the falls, the row of beans and the one of your lunch. :) I hope you'll share that little salad recipe some time.

All the best to all of you.

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