From The Word

  • I Peter 5:8-11
    Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a "roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Linda Murphy

Thank you for holding a contest! What fun. I would be most interested in listening to "How to Involve the Whole Family in Family Worship", "How to Involve the Whole Family in Hospitality", and "How to Make Mealtime Meaningful", (and others).


They all sound like great topics but the one I would pick right off the bat is "How to pick the best locations for family vacations."
Thanks for hosting this give away. I'm glad your mom can't enter this one, because I know with her talent for winning contests, I wouldn't stand a chance. :)



How fun! Thanks for the opportunity with this giveaway. :)

I love all of the topics but I think the one I'm needing to hear at the moment is: How to Encourage Femininity in Daughters. I have two "tomboys" who I would love to encourage towards femininity. :)


Hummm, there are many interesting topics on the list. I think I would like to hear How to Cultivate a Love for Meaningful Poetry and Why This is Important. I agree with Victoria, I am sure glad Deb can't enter...she wins EVERYTHING!! LOL

Leslie From VA

What a great opportunity to win this series! I would pick either "How to Take Children Safely Through an Airport" or "How to Address the Plague of “Jive Talk” in Your Home." Thanks for offering it, Hannah!


Definuitely most interested in he How to Encourage Femininity! Thank you for this giveaway!


Well, they all look good but I'd really like to hear the one about cultivating a love of meaningful poetry and then preparing your child for the symphony.

Rebecca Loomis

We are very interested in how to organize your home to create family unity. Something we certainly aspire to! Thanks for hosting the give away. : ) Love, Steven and Rebecca


This is such a wonderful giveaway, whom ever wins will really be blessed! I would love to know how the Phillips will discuss "jive" talk and getting through the airport. I hear a lot of "yeah's" rather than "yes" and it drive me up the wall. Also we have not traveled in a while becasue of the TSA regulations.
Thank you!

Cathy D


I would like to be entered for the give away. The topic I think I would like the best is how to encourage femininity in girls and masculinity in boys. It is hard to pick with so many great topics though.



What a wonderful giveaway! I think all the topics are really good, but the topic of poetry really interest me. I need to bring that more into our homeschooling.



First off...what a wonderful giveaway. Thanks so much. Secondly...I am surprised at the answers! I'm not sure what I expected...just not those answers. Oh well.

My favorite I have been trying to find the answer to for How to Involve the Whole Family in Family Worship. Our childrens' ages are 10-24 and it's always hard to make family worship easy enough for the youngest but challenging enough for the oldest.

Thanks again!


My favorite topic to hear would be the one on Mealtime! I interested in being able to maximize on all our together time, and...well...everyone eats so we'd have a captive audience:)

Carol Blair

"How to Prepare Your Children to Listen to a Symphony."

I just wrote a guide similar to this for a family in my church. I play the clarinet in the East Texas Symphonic Band and invited this family to our most recent concert. To help them "listen with understanding," I wrote a guide to the concert for them.

--But I'd like to see how the Phillips family prepares for a symphony.

Nick Jesch

my most desired one(s) would be the two sided coin.. instilling masculinity in boys and femininity in girls. Can't do one without understanding the other... and I'm certain the Phillips will treat them both well.

thanks for the opportunity to enter....

This is a wonderful opportunity, thank you! I am interested in all of their topics, but close to home would be sibling rivalry as it has effected two of our children for many years.

Heather T.

Would love to hear How to Use Household Decorations to Teach Character! But, wow-there are so many other great topics too! Thanks for the giveaway!


I really, really want to hear the topic on stopping "jive" talk in your home! Thanks for the chance!

Angie R

I can hardly pick one I want to hear them ALL. I guess I would choose te first one Organizing at home one. It would be a hugeblessing to win this. Due to fnances I have not bought it.

Stephanie in Michigan

I keep trying to click on your link to follow you in Typepad, but it's not working for me. Just wanted you to know. I'd like to follow your blog.....

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