From The Word

  • I Peter 5:8-11
    Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a "roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

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Tuesday, October 04, 2011



Wow! It looks rather knockout to me, just like Granny!

I love all your white timber on the outside of your home Deb.

Welcome Granny!


Very pretty! I love it.


Not being much of a gardener, I'm without any helpful comment there, but it's pretty. Granny looks great. How nice that you can enjoy having her come stay for a while. Sounds like a win-win for her and your family too. :)


Such a perfect spot for the rose garden. Looks like it will get plenty of sun. I have roses but keep them in large pots. We get much too much rain and most drown in the ground here... but it's Fall in Florida and time to dry out.
Following you from Bloomin Tuesday.. nice to meety you!


So lovely Deb! I've always dreamed of a rose garden. We have hardy roses that do well up here and one of these springs I'm going to plan a wee garden!


Deb ~ I have four knockout rose bushes - Three from last year and a new one planted this spring. We actually transplanted our original 3 to a larger bed this spring; they took my "abuse" beautifully. All four of my bushes (one pink, one red, two yellow) are very hardy and are still blooming like crazy. I occasionally use flower fertilizer (nothing fancy ... not even rose food) and I water (slow drip at roots) when it's very dry. With about 8 continual weeks without one drop of rain this summer, mine still bloomed all season. Something doesn't sound right ... I'd check back with the supplier and see if they have any suggestions (like maybe replacing them!).

On the bright side, the garden patch looks beautiful!


I think its possible you got some bad bushes. I hardly bother with my roses and they bloom all season long. Try contacting your nursery and see if they have any advice. Otherwise, I'd take them back.
Welcome back Granny!



Deb, I can't wait to see this area next year! Looks like a perfect area to me. My knockout has looked really bad but seems to come back just fine. If you can wait until spring to return I'd wait. What a wonderful surprise! Jean

The Knock Out Family Of Roses

Deb--what a wonderful garden! We introduced The Knock Out Family of Roses and we partnered with P. Allen Smith on this contest. Congratulations to you and your Mother!

Hopefully I can help you out here. You actually shouldn't fertilize in the first year because there is plenty of fertilizer in the soil already. In fact, fertilizing in the first year, can harm the plant.

Definitely give the roses long drinks of water at the base of the plants.

Give the plants a chance to bounce back and in the spring, they should begin to look good again. Knock Out® Roses are super easy and shouldn't require much attention at all.

Visit our website (www.theknockoutfamilyofroses) and our YouTube channel ( for how to videos, tips and care information.

We'd love to see how the garden is doing in the spring. Would you post a picture on our Facebook page when everything is in bloom?

Good luck!

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