From The Word

  • I Peter 5:8-11
    Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a "roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Carol Blair

I saw a cute little poem in a women's magazine years ago . . . I've forgotten the first part of it, but it ends with,
. . . my sneaky spouse;
"Guests are coming!"
I clean the house.


Oh, she does look like a fun friend! I know exactly what you mean about a phone call. I can go all week with just doing the bare minimum, then I realize on Saturday night that a family is coming to eat on Sunday for dinner, and all of a sudden I get a great burst of energy. My eyesight improves too: I can see all that stuff piled on the coffee table that I hadn't noticed all week! LOL


How lovely to be able to meet up with an old friend at such short notice. Glad you had a good time chatting and catching up. The clean house sounds like a good fringe benefit, too.


I guess 3 woman cleaning the house is almost like how to do a quick clean in 2 hours if by yourself.How fun to meet up with old friends.Christine's daughter must have been real young when you first met.

Crystal Paine wrote the check list that I am talking about.

Stephanie in Mi

That's great! I think house cleaning is overrated. LOL. If I have to choose, it just doesn't get clean sometimes! (Or at least not as clean as I want it to be.)


LOL - I've done that kind of speed cleaning many a time!! A few things get thrown into closets and then I have a time trying to remember where I put them :)

Your friend and her daughter look sweet! and fun!! Hope you had a great visit.


Hi Deb- I love this and I can do equate. The Gardener and I have certainly done our share of 30 minute cleanings too. It also helps to have a back room with a door to close off!!
Your friend radiates warmth and fun--


We call it "family dash!" My neighbor says I should have the cleanest home on the block because my children are home all day to clean. Somehow that logic escapes us. We see it as our children are home all day to mess things up! (That sounds worse than it is...I'm talking about the general mess that comes from everyday living.) Sounds like you had a wonderful time reconnecting with your dear friend.

Bev C

Hello Deb,

Oh you deserve a good chat and cuppa after that hetic workout. So glad you met up with your friend.
Happy days.

Lisa Spivey

Hi Deb ~ she does look like a fun friend and how nice that she called and ya'll were able to get together. I've told my Tom before that one of the things I like about having folks over, is that it always generates a big cleaning.... then when they're gone, we can still enjoy our clean house!


What fun!!! Friends in a moments notice...sometimes that's better, that way you don't have to fret to much;)

Your friend looks like jolly fun, glad you were able to visit.

Tyler Perkins

Whoa, and you did it in just a short period of time! Apparently, a phone call is all that's needed for you to clean house in under and hour! I seems you and Christine had a pretty fun meeting after missing out on each other for such a long time. Cheers to you!

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