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  • Proverbs 7:2-3
    " Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye. Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart."

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Wednesday, February 01, 2012


Stephanie in Mi

It was really warm here yesterday, too! Not bad today either. But still gray and overcast. I listen to music sometimes while I work. My tastes are pretty eclectic, so I wouldn't say I have a "favorite" to work to. I just like some variety so I don't get bored!


Like Stephanie I like variety.

I see where our summer has gone! It's ridiculously cold here in our hottest month of the year. Right now it's 17.8C which is 64F.

Lisa Spivey

Hi Sarah! Isn't it interesting how certain music can remind us of places and events. My kitchen floor needs scrubbing so I may try your 'whistle while you work' thought and get to work on that today!


We love the Marshall family music...and we have every cassette and cd ever published. I've never heard of the Mulfinger cds. Is that the Mulfinger family from BJU? (Dr. Mulfinger was my cello teacher there.) Music is a big part of our lives...always someone practicing or a cd playing. Thanks for sharing!


Stumbled upon your great blog and just wanted to leave a comment to invite you to visit my blog and enter my GIVEAWAY! Hope to see you soon =)
Just Tututiny


I enoy listening to Charlie Zahm. Our children will often turn on Celtic music while they work around the kitchen.



I do that too! In fact, recently I put on a CD that I hadn't listened to for awhile and when it started playing I was immediately taken back to last year when I listened to it almost non-stop while I cleaned my room{majorly--days long project}. I'm thinking maybe that wasn't such a great idea. :)

I haven't heard about the Marshall family in years! Never had any of their CD's but I used to go to their website and listen to the soundclips.

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