From The Word

  • I Peter 5:8-11
    Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a "roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012



Your gardens are always so beautiful but your mountain views are incredible!
I'm beginning the work of clearing out our garden beds too. Down here in the deep south, I'm running behind schedule. Our weather is up in the 80's today. I should have planted a few weeks ago.




Good luck with it Deb, I'm sure your garden will be as productive as it usually is. Our garden is very weedy with bolted lettuces at the moment -- we have a very mild wet summer and the vegies don't know what to make of it.


We turned our A/C on last night. I can't sleep when it's hot. It was about 88 today in Richmond. I too am getting spring fever. I only have a very small raised garden bed and I planted my onions today. I'm hope it doesn't go straight from winter to summer!


Amy, a redeemed sheep

My gardens need some attention, too, and the weather is perfect for it, but I don't like doing it alone. =( I miss having my boys be my helpers and company.

Kathryn Duke

yes it is alot of work but so worth it!! I had to paint our fence this year too and I must admit I did not do a very neat job but it is done...
Your hill country view is lovely too...


What a beautiful garden!


LOVE your gardens and beautiful flowers, the work is soooo worth it isn't it?! I CANNOT wait to see what you are doing with the new fabric!! That line of fabric is so "vintagy" and pretty!! :)

Stephanie in MI

I wish you could come and consult on my gardens. I ripped everything out from when we moved into this house and this year is my year to replant. I have no idea what to do. I have a black thumb!

Lisa Spivey

Your place is always so pretty, even though I know it is a lot of work! It is always inspiring to see your gardens and hope one day mine could look so lovely. We've been so focused on establishing our vegetable garden(s), this year we're trying to think more about flowers... too.


You have a lot of work to do! We finally got the rest of the leaves and the 5 million gumballs out of our front yard. Next...figure out how to keep the mulch in our large front yard area from washing out...then order mulch! Painting the fence BEFORE is wise! The fabric was so cute & I can understand why it would be a distraction to your yard work. :-)


I love your garden, your setting, and so on and so on. Seeing your black eyed susans reminds me I want to plant some this year. I like having them planted beside some moonbeam coreopsis. Enjoy your gardening!


Hi sweet Deb- it really is almost that time!! Welcome to spring. I've always admired your beautiful flower space-- I can hardly wait to see it all abloom! Happy Gardening!


You have such a beautiful yard! I know it takes lots of hard work.

I've been eying Flower Sugar for a long time - love it! Enjoy playing with it! :)

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