Erich, our recently engaged pilot friend from Texas and co-worker of Jonathan's, dropped in out of the sky this evening and shared a meal with us.
Here we are about to partake of Southwest Grilled Chicken over a big garden salad with toasted bread. Sarah quickly thawed some Chocolatetown Pie from the freezer (that hadn't sold at market!) and served it with Cookies and Cream ice cream--not only so convenient but delicious!It was so much fun to catch up with Erich and talk about his and Beth's plans for the coming wedding in October. He even showed us some in-progress photos of the house he and his family are working together to build for them. How exciting!
I loved this unexpected get-together that made an ordinary Tuesday evening into a special memory with our friend!
So very special indeed!
Posted by: Leslie W | Wednesday, August 22, 2012 at 10:47 AM
Some of the Mom Heart writers have been asked to write about hospitality next month (it was a popular subject!).
I'm writing about having a Hospitality Pantry and I may just have to talk about your unexpected guest if it is okay. ;)
Now, I must get off the computer and start grinding some wheat to make bread.
Posted by: Brenda@Coffeeteabooksandme | Wednesday, August 22, 2012 at 01:11 PM
What a special surprise, indeed! I love the commenter above's idea, about a Hospitality Pantry.
Posted by: RubyJeans | Wednesday, August 22, 2012 at 01:56 PM
What fun. It is always so nice to have guests drop by to brighten our day.
Posted by: victoria | Thursday, August 23, 2012 at 12:31 AM
That is so fun to have an unexpected guest! Nice!
Posted by: Stephanie in MI | Friday, August 24, 2012 at 10:22 PM