It's been one week since we started - how many words do you have now? Who's closest to 25? :)
Aren't icicles beautiful? We rarely have them, and when we do, that means Dad is probably at work for an ice storm. When we do have some hanging from the eaves, the three of us girls are usually outside snapping pictures before they melt away.
Does your family have any movie watching traditions? I normally watch It's a Wonderful Life every year (although it's not the most theologically sound....bells ringing and angels getting their wings? Huh?), and we also own The Nativity Story. I've watched part of that this year already but haven't finished it yet.
Fruitcake. Some people despise it, others give it as gifts. :) Depending on the recipe, I like it! There's one company called Southern Supreme that makes wonderful fruitcakes. My great-aunt Bunny would get one every year for Christmas - it was her favorite. We've never actually made one, I don't think...just eaten gifts given to us. How about you?
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