From The Word

  • Proverbs 7:2-3
    " Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye. Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart."

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« A is for... | Main | A Williamsburg Birthday »

Tuesday, July 09, 2013


Bev C

Hello Deb,

I just love this post, so much to see, oh I wish I could have joined you. Is the plant a Thistle, I just googled "purple flowering plant similar to a thistle" and plants very similar to this one came up. I imagine that it would be very tough and re=seed well.

Happy days.


What an amazing sight that must have been, Deb. Your photos encapsulate what I think of when I imagine colonial America, especially the ladies' costumes.

A belated but enthusiastic happy birthday to you from the cold Down Under.


Wow, how wonderful! I've always wanted to visit Colonial Williamsburg. I love how they used the branches to make the fence!


Great pictures Deb! Now that I see a photo of the Vitex tree I do remember seeing them but I never knew what it was called. I can see it now, in a few years you will have those limbs cut and arranged around your "Martha Stewart" garden, and it will be beautiful! :)


Hi Deb!
I absolutely love Colonial Williamsburg! Your photos bring back so many wonderful memories of our visits there. I loved this post!
Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment so that I could find your blog. We love our Smoky Mountains, but I have to say you've got some beauties in your front and backyard yourself. Our youngest lives in the Shenandoah Valley, and we always love our visits there.
Have a great evening.

Brenda Nuland

I'd love to return to Colonial Williamsburg but at least I can "visit" through your pictures. :)

Stephanie in MI

What a wonderful trip! Looks like a wonderful time. And Happy Birthday!!!

I think that purple one is a thistle, isn't it?


Are the purple flowers artichokes? We've been to CW many times over the years (I attended W&M) and I believe that's what they may be...or something in the same family. Beautiful pictures!

Becky Ensinger

That plant is an artichoke.

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