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  • Proverbs 7:2-3
    " Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye. Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart."

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Tuesday, November 12, 2013



Looks like a fun place for lunch. I think I enjoy the pretty dishes and linens as much as the food sometimes. :)

Bev C

Hello Deb.

I adore that place, the lovely tablecloth had me. So much to look at inside too. I bet not too many people were playing on their phones, which seems to happen so much these days.

Have a happy day.


Hi Deb! I really enjoy reading about your trips and the places where you dine. This one is really neat. Love the name of the restaurant, and look, they gave you both a full set of flatware. It bugs me when we eat out and don't get enough flatware to do justice to the meal. Love the tablecloth and dishes, too. Have a great week!
p.s. I bet it's cold in Va. tonight. It's going to be 23 degrees F here...brrr.


This post is making my hungry! Looks like a great restaurant. Glad you and Tom got to have a nice lunch date.


Tammy C

Gregory takes pictures of his food all of the time.

Nice restaurant.I can't even remember the last time Chris had Veterans day off and he is a veteran.

We both got free haircuts at Great Clips,then had our cars washed for free at a local place and a free meal at O Charleys.Also 20% discount at Bed Bath and Beyond for being veterans.


Lovely presentation, both theirs and yours. Glad you had the opportunity. Is Tom a veteran? My kids had a free meal. I enjoyed the flags at the cemetery as I drove by on the school bus. Joyce

Deb Yuck

Love the restaurant, very pretty, terrific looking food, but I mostly love that you and Tom were out on a date. :-)


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