From The Word

  • Proverbs 7:2-3
    " Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye. Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart."

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Sunday, November 24, 2013


Kathryn Duke

Yes, it does give an extra boost to find fellow believers "on the road" ...
catching up on your have been MUCH better than me...

What a fun conference. I looked at the conference schedule and speakers and was familiar with a few names. We have a much smaller group that we have fellowshipped with over the years but not as formally as this group and I miss seeing them...we have gotten a bit too Methodisty for heart will always be with home fellowship.

Happy Thanksgiving Deb !!!!


Deb, I know about Shine Transport because my husband worked at one of the terminals in Richmond that Shine Transport pulled fuel out of. My husband came home many years ago and told me about the truck with the scripture verse on it and I looked it up and it has become one of my very favorite verses. What a great job Shine Transport is doing of witnessing!


Love it! A good reminder to us believers to shine for the Lord.



Hi Deb! I love to see a witness like Shine Transportation has on their trucks. Most of the time when we are on the road we feel like we're the only Christians around so it's uplifting to see that we are not. Here in Tennessee I enjoy seeing Covenant Transport trucks on the road. The have a pro-life message on them..."It Is Not A Choice It Is A Child".
Have a great week!


Hi, we experienced the same when heading to NY and just before Baltimore tunnel I found the truck of this company. Has to look on my Bible to see what verse they were referring and impact us for the one they picked. Excellent! The church is here to stand out and be without any wrinkle and to SHINE SHINE SHINE! Excellent work Shine Transportation!

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