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  • Proverbs 7:2-3
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« Holly Jolly Blog Bingo ~ Day 10 | Main | Holly Jolly Blog Bingo ~ Day 12 »

Friday, December 20, 2013




That's a wild Australian dog, just sayin'. ;)


Following on Toni's heels--LINGO! That's a word game show that used to be on cable.

BUMMER--that word means that I didn't win, and only got all of one word today--to add to the horror, I miscounted yesterday and today, I STILL need six more words!

I will email you with the words that I need. You know what to do! :) After I win, I can go back to my normal life.

Oh, and totally off subject, if anyone would like to pray for my son, Micah (he's a twenty-year-old college student), today, that would be great. He is having two wisdom teeth extracted @ 11:00 PST. It's a delightful Christmas present. :(


I'm with Cathy...I'll just send you my last 4 words and you can take care of the rest! *wink* LOL Seriously, I now have 4 words left, *sigh* :)

Tammy C

12 years ago Allison and I saw The Nutcracker together.We bought an ornament to remember the day.A couple years later I took a bunch of Girl Scouts to see the show.


4 more to go!
This is really taking a toll on my normal morning routine :) I have to FORCE myself to get everything done around the house BEFORE checking bingo! Hard to do...



Sarah, I saw The Nutcracker ballet as a child, then several more times when our girls were young. Each time I was impressed and alarmed by the performers torturing the tips of their toes just for the sake of taking part in the ballet. O.O I have no idea what the story was about, but I'm sure there was probably some kind of nice plot. All I remember is cringing over all the tiptoeing going on. Seriously, my toes are tingling as I type just thinkin' about it. jk ;)

I can't believe nobody got bingo today. I have nine words to go and don't expect to win, but I want to say it's been a blast, and I hope you do this again next year, Sarah. :D Have a great evening!


Our city's version of the Christmas Carol has won Tony awards and is quite spectacular to see. Our family has gone several times.
Another favorite Christmas activity is to go hear the symphony's Christmas concert. Wonderful!
I'm getting close but still no win. :(



I've only been to see the Nutcrackers one time and it happened to be while I was in Staunton visiting my Aunt Catherine & Uncle John. It was many years ago. It seems to me that it was at a local high school. I remember I didn't really know what to expect but I thought it was very good. I hope your family has a wonderful Christmas!

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