Wow, a whole month has passed since farmers' market started back up again! We've been getting settled back into the routine of preparations during the week and getting up early every Saturday morning to set up downtown.
The first day of market was beautiful, though still a bit chilly, as you can see from my coat. :) Some friends from church blessed us by driving over to see our booth and encourage us on our first day.
One of the girls put together a beautiful bouquet that Hannah used to decorate her table the rest of the morning, and they also brought a snack for us to enjoy halfway through our time.
Our second week coincided with the Redbud Festival that Mom talked about in this post, so I enjoyed having Jonathan helping out with Hannah's soap that morning.
I brought a small decorated carrot cake, hoping to sell it, of course, but also to advertise my cakes in case anybody wanted to special order one for Easter the following week. That little plan failed, but I tried. ;)
Whenever I bring a little cake, though, there are numerous customers who comment on it and take my card. So perhaps it will lead to a future order for birthdays or other occasions after all.
The third week was Easter weekend. All holiday weekends tend to be busy with good sales, so we were hoping for that trend to continue. The weather was beautiful again, and there were lots of people out and about.
Usually every other week, the market has live music from 9-11, and on this week a co-worker of Jonathan's was one of the musicians.
One of the vendors down a couple spaces from us is an older couple who came over to America from the Bohemia area, and Willy came over to play a special Bohemian song on his accordion just for them.
Since it's been quite the cold spring so far, not a lot of vendors have vegetables yet, but there are a few greens and beets out.
Also adding some color to the booths are plenty of flowers! A couple of weeks ago, a customer of mine mistakenly left some pretty pink flowers on my table and left before I could catch her. We really enjoyed them, and they lasted until just a couple of days ago.
This past Saturday was also a very busy day, as there were other events going on downtown that drew a crowd to the area. There was a dance troupe performing that was very....interesting. You can see some pictures on this newspaper article. They had plenty of observers, who then made their way down our row - yay! I was also asked for the first time this year if we were Amish, heheh. That's a question that has been asked multiple times over the past couple of years....I don't think people know what Amish people look like. ;)
All in all, it's been a busy and productive month. I've enjoyed reconnecting with my regular customers and meeting new ones. Come on by and visit sometime!
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