My blog friend, Brenda, over at Coffee, Tea, Books, and Me, writes a weekly post titled My World This Week, and I always enjoy seeing her photos and reading what's happening over in the Midwest.
So I thought we'd show you what our week was like here in Virginia. Mostly we stayed inside in a warm house since our area received another 6" of snow. Here's our view out the kitchen nook window at the snow-covered deck: Picnic anyone?: The fire sure felt nice and warm; and hats, scarves, and mittens were drying there after the girls shoveled and snow-blowed to get our steep driveway cleared so the guys could make it home after work:I stayed busy sewing on the Row-Along I've been working on recently. Since I'm sewing this project along with my friend, Chris, I'm finding that peer pressure can be a good thing to keep me motivated to finish. Ha!
Here's a picture below of Chris' Row-Along with her borders already finished. I think she'll be okay with me posting it. Aren't the colors all just beautiful? She did a great job!:I'm sewing my borders today and will post a picture soon!
Hannah worked in the kitchen cutting soap this week and then made new soap to fill the empty molds. She's adding some new products for market coming up next month:Today, to finish up the week, the gang drove down to Jonathan's house and worked on electrical stuff all day. Here's a sampling of what was accomplished:
Hannah started by marking centers of each room to determine where the ceiling lights will go, and then she sawed boards and screwed in light fixtures.
Jonathan worked on wiring, and Sarah drilled holes through the studs for the wires in the laundry room. This is the stage where you can work all day and see very little progress!
While the kids were over at the new construction site, Tom was here at home building a prototype of Jonathan's and Bethany's kitchen cabinet doors so they can determine if they like this style/size before he starts on the real thing: And, yes, the clamped cabinet doors are residing in the living room at the moment so the glue will dry better than it would in the cold garage.
Long time readers will remember when there was a bed in my living room, and beehives in my living room, and, yes, a sewing machine was in there, too!
That was our week! And since tomorrow is Sunday, I'll leave you with a scripture:
Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day. —Psalm 119:97
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
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