Thank you to our Georgia poster, Sarah, for filling in on the blog with her take on the snowstorm in her area while we were "under the weather" here in Virginia.
We finally have our internet back after the transmitter experienced "catastrophic failure" last Friday from snowstorm Jonas, according to the server's phone line. I have to say I really missed being connected to the world!
The peak seen here is Elliott Knob, where our internet transmitter is located. This photo is taken from my upstairs window looking west toward the Allegheny Mountains: The snow began fast and furious last Friday morning and by Saturday afternoon had left us with 18 inches of light and fluffy snow, as all the power crews were describing it.
Tom (for new readers) works for the local power company and left home Friday packed for five days. Thankfully, he made it home on Sunday because "light and fluffy" doesn't cause as many power outages as "wet and heavy." Whew! Answered prayer, and we were all thankful!
Won't you join me on our front porch?Or...let's sit out back. The snow drifted way more here from the strong winds:
Here's a sunrise picture I took Sunday morning on the back deck looking towards the Blue Ridge Mountains:
Just as the sun was rising in the east out back...the moon was setting in the west out front:
I quickly put on my zoom lens for a closer's quite blurry, but I loved seeing the full moon this close:
And a final snow new barn quilt on the shed (which I'll post about soon):
I'm sure Sarah missed all this white Virginia beauty, but I know she's glad she wasn't part of the shoveling crew around here! Snow is hard work! (But I'm only going on hearsay...I just watched from inside!)
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