Hello, and Merry Christmas from our home to yours!
Snow won't be falling this weekend here in the Shenandoah Valley, but I love the beauty of a quietly falling snow on Christmas Eve, don't you? Maybe next year...
Life has been busy around Mountain Musings as we prepare for the season of celebrating the birth of Jesus. Here's our family photo below that we mailed in our Christmas cards to family and friends. What a difference a year makes! Last year we sent everyone Sarah and Eric's wedding picture!
Sure wish we could see that little munchkin, Andrew, this Christmas, but he'll celebrate in Atlanta with his parents until he's able to come visit with a little less medical equipment traveling with him.
Here's Andrew's Christmas Elf picture...he's 8 months old already! I'm a little biased....but isn't that just the cutest elf you ever saw??!!!
Back in 2009 as part of a blogging Christmas House Tour, I posted about our Christmas decorations inside and outside the house and also showed you my snowman plate collection. Click on those links if you weren't reading the blog back then...I usually decorate the same every year.
...with the exception of this year! Hannah took down the country curtains in the nook area, and we added berry garland and lights around those windows: Here's the newest plate just given to me by a friend. (Thanks, Kathy!) The antique holly berry tablecloth is an inexpensive purchase from the local antique mall: And here's the table set with snowman plates for a recent dinner when friends from church came over. My new plate will make an appearance tomorrow when my sister arrives for Christmas: As part of our holiday celebrations, Tom took a day off work, and we traveled to Richmond to meet dear friends for lunch:Whole Foods is a great half-way meeting place, and the tables in the Food Court are great for talking for hours!: The basket in the photo above was made by Granny, and I purchased it and filled it up with lots of green-themed goodies for my friend.
Granny is doing much better thanks to everyone's prayers for her, and the physical therapy three times a week is helping quite a bit, too. Here she is anticipating a Christmas concert at the hospital that's scheduled every December for all the shut-ins and patients in the hospital:Granny always enjoys this yearly Christmas concert, along with all the patients being rolled in on stretchers and wheelchairs. The first song,"I'll Be Home For Christmas," brought many tears from those not well enough to go home from the hospital in time for Christmas.
"When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.
And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshiped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense and myrrh." ~ Matthew 2:10-11
All the folks here at Mountain Musings want to wish your family a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and Happy New Year in 2017.
See you back on the blog in January.
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