From The Word

  • Proverbs 7:2-3
    " Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye. Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart."

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Friday, January 13, 2017



I'll be praying for Andrew. I've been wondering how he is doing. Thanks for the update.

We are giving thanks that our 8-year-old who has been home since April has not only learned to speak English but just completed kindergarten language arts! We are also thankful that the klebsiella mastitis that we struggled with for such a long time is mostly in the past. My husband is SO THANKFUL to be enjoying farming again. I'm also thankful that one of our kids seems to be making deliberate choices to live for God. For awhile her faith seemed more nominal and based on our choices rather than a personal heart change. We are so thankful.

Of course, there's always things that are frustrating...but overall, we are thankful that things on the farm are going so much more smoothly. God is faithful.


Hi Deb! The Lord is Good. I'm so glad your well is running, again. And that cake looks very tasty to me. I've seen some very ornate ones that tasted like paper. ;) Granny is just amazing and beautiful.
I'll be praying for Andrew. God is Faithful.
Have a great weekend!


We are so thankful for how far our sweet little Andrew has come over the past several months. Lots of prayers going up for his surgery. We're going to go see him today and look forward to seeing his sweet smiley face.
We're also thankful for answered prayers for Granny and getting your water back on. Look forward to seeing you all in the new year.


Tammy C

How exciting about Granny.

Cute picture of Andrew.He doesn't let the tube get in his way for learning.

Hannah the scientist.Glad she is still making soap.A friend in North Carolina makes and sells her soaps for her non profit that she runs for Grieving people.

Have fun with the quilt making.

Gregory had an abdominal MRI that came back normal.We are very thankful for that result.He has 2 appointments next week

Good news on the hot water.

Barbara J.

Golly, Deb, so many wonderful things to comment on. So glad you have water again! When they replaced our pump, it was a lot warmer :). Granny looks wonderful. I use that NuStep machine three mornings a week and really like it. It's very comfortable for people with back pain. And I love the picture of Andrew and his sweet baby hands. Will be praying for him and his doctors on Tuesday. Hope you get to see him soon.

Becka Loach

Thankful that Granny is doing so well and that you have hot water again. I will continue to pray for little Andrew. Since we have had several preemies in our family the Lord often brings him (and his parents) to my mind. I would appreciate prayers for our daughter Nora who is expecting again in March. She has had some difficulties with this pregnancy and we are praying that the baby will not come too early. A friend of mine named Kathy could also use your prayers. She is greatly distressed by a son who is far, far from the Lord.


Thank the Lord for running water! And, it's delightful seeing your mom, and hearing that she's doing so well.

We've been praying for Andrew, and will be praying throughout the day tomorrow.

And, Becka, my husband and I will add Nora to our prayer list. We have a cute g'daughter whose name is Nora, so when we pray for our Nora, we'll pray for yours. And we'll pray for Kathy, too. We pray for one of our sons in the same way.

Brenda Nuland

I don't comment much but your blog is one of the few I still make certain I read when a new post pops up!

I'm enjoying having Piper (now six months old!) live less than two miles away, although we don't see each other a lot. Hubby and I understand, remembering what it was like to be a young couple just starting out and super busy.

My daughter-in-law is wonderful, though. She makes certain to stop by so we can get Piper hugs when it has been too long. Piper had a bad reaction to her immunizations two nights ago so we were all praying. My son had a severe reaction at that same age that scared me so badly, he didn't get anymore vaccinations until high school age! Thank God, she was fine.

Mrs U

Oh my goodness Andrew is growing so fast!!!! What a blessing!! I'm looking at this post a little late, so I hope and pray his surgery went just like drs wanted! :)

The cake looks DELICIOUS!! And Happy Birthday to Hannah!!!

You mother looks wonderful!!! She certainly is strong!! What a blessing she is to so many!!!

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