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  • Proverbs 7:2-3
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Saturday, February 10, 2018


Barbara J.

What an interesting class, Hannah! The food looks wonderful. We actually have two olive oil stores here but I don't think either of them have classes quite like that. I'll have to check it out. We have two olive trees in our front yard that are very beautiful - one bears fruit each year but the other has not yet. We haven't learned how to make olive oil though. Thanks for sharing your fun evening.

Chris O'Dorisio

Hannah this is really a wonderful gift! Looks very interesting and loads of fun! Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed reading about your experience and seeing all the great photos. :) I bet that taco salad was delicious!


We have a great olive oil store here that you may remember going to with us a few years ago. Olive oil and balsamic vinegars are part of a daily routine around our house.
Jonathan picked out a wonderful gift for you!

Brenda Nuland

That looks like so much fun! I was watching a cooking show filmed in Italy and the cook said her secret ingredient in her pasta sauce was a little hot pepper infused olive oil. I didn't know such things existed!


As always, I enjoyed your newest blog post. It's always nice to think of creative gifts, particularly ones that are unexpected. Good job, Jonathan.

Too bad you didn't get a picture with you in it...


That’s so interesting that you have olive trees in your yard! I guess coastal GA would be the type of tropical climate where they would do well. Thanks for your comment!

It really was fun! I know you would have enjoyed it. I remember one year your family gave us some dipping oils as a gift – delicious! :)

Yes, I remember you all introducing us to that specialty store…it was fun tasting all their different flavors! I recognized some of the same varieties here.

How interesting! A harissa-infused oil is one I’ve tried and a favorite. I’ve also heard it said that a dash of something hot/spicy really pumps up the other flavors of dishes – I will have to try it now that you mention that!

Thanks as always for reading and letting us know you do. Yes, creative gifts are fun to give and receive!

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