Hannah and I went on an adventure today - a very fun excursion west of Harrisonburg to a little area called Hinton.
We had heard about The Barn at Creekside Farm for awhile now, and this was the day to go check it out for a possible new vendor spot for Hannah's soaps and Granny's baskets.
We had no idea what to expect, and this was the scene as we arrived...pastoral countryside scenery, beautiful mountains and sky in the distance...and the Barn, our destination for the morning!
And a closer view as we approached:
Here's the refurbished two-story barn located just behind the silo...complete with a junkyard truck on display in front:
The signs out front list the monthly vendors at The Barn, which is open the second weekend each month, April through December:
The first vendor's booth that we browsed, The Shabby Cottage, displayed many lovely antiques. Hannah and I played around with the vintage letter blocks and came up with some special boys' names! We brought these letters home with us for the next time these cuties come to visit:
I enjoyed looking around this booth, too...The Goose and the Gander. The red bench that you see in the photo was made from the headboard of a twin bed. It really caught my eye....and now it'll catch my eye every day...because its new home is on my front porch!
The Barn has a top floor also...and these steps with a scripture verse from Proverbs lead the way upstairs. It reminded me of writing scripture inside Jonathan's house Write Them on the Doorposts of Thy House, Part 1 and Part 2:
Here are other vintage booths upstairs:
I love anything related to gardening....but I completely missed the Potting Shed sign below until I saw it in this picture just now!
Something for the men...antique tools:
This gives you an idea of the way the barn was set up and divided into vendor booths...very well thought out and decorated...a great business idea of rented spaces in a barn full of antiques and treasures!
Hannah and I enjoyed the drive out in the country and enjoyed our time at The Barn! If you're local, you should check it out next month.
** An update on Granny: For those of you who prayed for Granny's surgery and time in the hospital, thank you so much! She's recuperating nicely from back surgery for the compressed fracture and really wanted to get out of the house today and ride with us to The Barn! But this excursion would have been a bit strenuous for her at this point. Please continue to pray for complete healing and for her to regain strength and get back to normal.
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