Well...how in the world did this happen?? I turned 70 over the holiday weekend!
All the family came to help celebrate...and that was absolutely the best gift of all! Here I am with Micah, Hannah, Jonathan, and Sarah:
Don't you think these grandchildren with "Granny Deb" are adorable...on the left is one of Micah's three boys, and the other four are Sarah's children. We definitely missed the boys who couldn't be with us!
I love when the grandchildren want to come to " 'Ginia" to see Granny:
Hannah and her fiancé, Christopher, were in charge of the decorations...inside and outside.
After they decorated, it took me forever to notice that huge "70" in the window! Wonder if I was subconsciously ignoring that fact?!
Outside....there were buntings and lots of red and blue balloons everywhere!
My sister traveled here from South Carolina to celebrate with us and brought some fresh South Carolina peaches for everyone to enjoy. Here's Aunt Bet with Sarah:
These guys grabbed a birthday breakfast of quiche, scones, bacon, yogurt, and fruit:
Tractor and wagon rides have also become a special event for the kids. They loved riding on Grampa's "Buddies & Girlie Express!"
Cousins who very seldom see each other were playing together and having fun racing trucks!
I'm always thankful when Sarah and Eric are able to travel the many hours with all the kids to be with us:
And, here I am with Jonathan, who was excellent at entertaining the kids over the weekend:
Sarah, our long-time cake decorator, iced the Peter-Paul Mounds cake for the occasion, a cake I've enjoyed for my birthday every year since I was 10 years old, or maybe even younger:
Micah brought in the birthday cake, as everyone sang Happy Birthday to this old lady!
And, of course, lots of nice cards and gifts followed. Thank you everyone!
The next day, in honor of Independence Day, we headed to church dressed in red, white, and blue:
So we could all be together for the Sunday meal, we transformed the living room into the dining room, although a few are missing from this snapshot:
The kids enjoyed some refreshing Slippy-Slide fun on a hot Sunday afternoon, pretend airplane rides with Uncle Jonathan, and in general being the best grand-kids around! In my humble opinion, of course! :)
Grampa's fireworks were part of the celebration that evening. This is what backyard fireworks look like for us:
We had lots of fun visiting with everyone this weekend. It was the first time Christopher had met my sister and also Micah and Sarah and their families in person rather than just on Zoom...so that was extra-special.
Then Monday, July 4th, rolled around...and it was time to say a sad good-bye to everyone! Here's a picture of most of the family before they headed back to their homes:
These little people are some of my favorites for sure, dressed in their red, white, and blue! I had the best 70th birthday a granny could have! Thank you to everyone who made it so special!!
But you, O LORD, are enthroned forever; you are remembered throughout all generations.
~ Psalm 102:12
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