Tom had such a good time making birdhouses with the Georgia grandchildren earlier this month, that he decided to make a couple more...for our grandsons in Maryland!
So...he whipped them together in time for our trip this past weekend to visit them and to help celebrate little J's 4th birthday.
After finding out the boys' favorite colors from their dad, he started painting the roofs:
Everything's looking good, and we hope the boys will enjoy watching birdies make nests in their own special birdhouse, complete with their initial:
And here's the other grandson's birdhouse, all installed side-by-side on a tree close by a viewing window for the boys to watch the comings and goings.
It turned out to be a wonderful 4th birthday party with turtles and snakes and all sorts of interesting creatures for all the kids to touch and handle. This Granny stayed far away!
That was our Saturday! We don't get to see these boys often, so it was a treat to visit even for a few hours!
~ Deb
Nice birdhouses. A fun birthday party but I would be watching a bit way also.
Posted by: Tammy C | Tuesday, August 01, 2023 at 09:00 AM
Happy Birthday J. He is getting to be such a big boy.
Posted by: victoria | Tuesday, August 01, 2023 at 01:06 PM