Thank you to everyone who submitted questions for our Encyclopedia of Me ~ Q is for Questions post. Here are the questions and our answers below:
Cindi asks: "What is each of your favorite fictitious book?"
I like so many books, it's absolutely impossible to pick ONE favorite. :) Some of my many favorites include the Elsie Dinsmore series, Pansy books, Lamplighter books, Little House on the Prairie, Anne of Green Gables, the Chronicles of Narnia, Heidi, Pollyanna, the Swiss Family Robinson, and many others. ~Sarah
I actually don't read very much fiction, although I recently finished reading for the first time the Chronicles of Narnia series, which I enjoyed. ~Hannah
I have enjoyed several of Francine Rivers' and Angela Hunt's novels, and I enjoy reading Jamie Langston Turner's books, but I don't normally read a lot, although I do enjoy reading blogs and perusing magazines like Southern Living, Country Living, and Country Home to gather new recipes and see new ideas for country decorating . ~Deb
Tammy asks: "Does everyone in the family have a life verse, and if yes what are they?"
I've probably mentioned my life verses on the blog before; they are Jeremiah 29:11-13. I like them because of the great promises of God to me if I seek Him always as Lord of my life. Situations sometimes may look bad, but God means it all for good according to verse 11. ~Deb
Chyrll asks: "What is your favorite recipe and recipe book?"
Two of my favorite recipes are Chocolatetown Pie* and Key Lime Pie*, simply because they are very quick and easy to make, plus they both are quite yummy. :) I probably like my 2002 Taste of Home cookbook really seems to have a good selection of recipes. ~Sarah
Like Sarah, I also like many of the recipes in Taste of Home magazines, and I have quite the collection of back issues to refer to when I want to try something new. Sue Gregg's Eating Better Cookbooks have some tasty recipes that we have yet to make. Some of our favorites have come from her Soups and Muffins book. ~ Hannah
Dorothy asks: "I would like to know what your Dad was like, Deb? It is fun to read about your Mom, and she seems to be so sweet...your Dad must have been someone very special, too."
Yes, very! My dad was a quiet, steady, and faithful man. Working in a cloth factory on second shift, he worked hard, came home and slept, and went back to work--day after day, year after year. He taught a young boys' Sunday School class for years, and I can still remember the big green set of Matthew Henry commentaries we had that he often studied for his lessons. Growing up, we took family vacations to the Smoky Mountains and traveled to revival meetings and gospel singings, and we always had a fun time as a family. In later years he loved spending time with his grandchildren. Here's a picture of my dad taken before the Lord called him home to heaven in January, 1999; we miss him very much!
And Sherrin had several she wanted to ask including: "When did you begin gardening, and what started you out?"
While Mom has always been into planting flowers and shrubs wherever we've lived over the years, and our whole family has done plenty of yardwork together, my interest in gardening really started when we moved to the Valley in 2002. Since we have 5 acres and plenty of full sun, there was room to begin a garden plot of our own. So in the spring of 2003, Mom and I put in several veggies in raised beds that we had mapped out for Dad to build. Our new home was also blessed with a friend's gift of many divided perennials that have since been added to--each year the garden here changes, and there is always something new growing! I've enjoyed doing a lot of reading and learning as I go. I'm glad for the chance to get this experience with gardening and to use it to serve our family. (Pictured: pineapple sage) ~Hannah
"Do you follow any particular ideas about courtship?"
We subscribe to Bible principles of loving parental involvement, protection, counsel, and betrothal. See the description in this post, under the heading "Marriage Preparation" (scroll down). We have been blessed with perspectives on this subject from John Thompson, Jonathan Lindvall, Douglas Wilson, Heather Paulsen, and others (see links and references in the post). ~Tom
"Do you have a daily schedule?"
No, I really don't (although I'd recommend it for a new wife starting out). I usually do things when they need doing rather than planning which day I do them or what time of the day I grocery shop or clean. If we're out of food, it's time to shop. If company's coming, it's time to clean. (That's a little joke there...but, seriously, having company over is a great motivation for cleaning!) I used to be much more schedule-oriented when we homeschooled because I had to make sure a large chunk of time was designated specifically for schooling with additional time scheduled for all the rest of the housework.
My time is quite freer now, and I have time to garden and landscape, quilt, knit, or cross-stitch, work on scrapbooking, have friends over for lunch, or write I plan my day around whatever is going on with the family. Plus, having adult daughters to work alongside me is quite the wonderful blessing. ~Deb
* recipes on continuation page
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