This Guest Book is almost full with lots of pictures and notes written by all the folks who have visited us here in the Valley since we moved into our new home in 2002.
I am famous for dragging out my camera before guests leave and asking them if I can take their picture so we can remember their first visit with us and also asking them to write a few words on a page in the Guest Book. When I get the pictures developed, I'll place one on the page with their writing, and I'll mail them a second print so they can remember their visit as well.
It is so much fun to thumb back through the pages to see who came to eat with us and when, view a picture of them, and read the encouraging words they wrote on "their page" before leaving. It is done in scrapbook style, meaning I've added lots of stickers and whimsies to give each family's page some character.
I so wish that we had started a guest book when we first got married. Think of the treasure that book would be today--one that contains a record of all the various friends, neighbors, and missionaries who have walked in and out of our lives in the different homes and cities we've lived in through the years!
We need to finish filling this book up and start another one! And now that I think of it--why in the world didn't I take a picture of Micah and Elizabeth to go in the book on Sunday when they visited us for the first time as a married couple?? Oh, well, I guess they'll just have to come back over, and we'll eat together again...just for the sake of the Guest Book, of course!
Is your picture in the book? C'm on over!
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